Alot Has Happened

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Wow! as a read the previous blog post, I realized how much ahas happened between that post and this one.

First of all, I'm sad to say this, but FarFallen is no more.
We started working, but it seemed like no one was really into it, so it just fell apart.
Everybody started dropping out, there was no communication, eventually the project just stopped.
We said, our goodbyes and everybody went their separate paths.
It was sad to see that happen, since it was a really good idea, in my opinion, and it could have been a great game.

After that, I took some "time off", since it looked like every project I touch falls apart.
I looked around to see if there were successful Indie game projects, and to tell you the truth, I found just a handful of projects.
Apparently, this way of producing games (via the internet in different locations over the world), is not that easy, duahhh.
So I figured, I can give it another go.

For my next project, I looked for a project, that was already underway, so I can just join in and not be in charge there.
The project I went to, was a project that I watched closely before that, a game named Assyria.
It was already on the right path, so it looked like the right place.
Fortunately, they had room for me, so I joined.
So now I'm a Gameplay Programmer, in the Assyria game project, and I hope this one sticks.

On the real-life front, I'm now searching for a place to study abroad, for a M.Sc. in gaming.
There are a few places that offer that degree, and I'm trying to look into getting into one.
With luck, I should be able to study and work in the gaming industry, abroad.

So that's it for now, laters.

Now playing: Frank Zappa - Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar
via FoxyTunes