It's Online Project Time!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Again, it's been too long since I've written anything down here.
and a lot has happened since I've last written.

The big project I've been working for the last months has in fact imploded, I won't go into details since I don't want to take any sides in the matter.
I'll just say it's a damn shame that it didn't see the light of day, it could have been a very interesting game to play.
But, what can you do? you can't win them all, and you can't make everybody get along.
It was an ambitious project indeed, and we just couldn't make it work, no matter how hard we tried.

Aside from that I finished my Breakout game, it came out pretty good, it still has some bugs and things missing, but I don't think I'm gonna continue hammering it out.
To tell you all the truth, it's a pretty limited game, and I don't see how I can make it a whole lot better, so I'll just leave it for the time being.

The big news is that I joined another online project, I hope this one takes.
The name of the project is 0 A.D., it's an historically accurate RTS, that recently turned open-source.
a Friend of mine sent me a link and I thought, "what the hell?".
It seems like this project is running for quite some time (a few good years), and I know what it takes to run a project like this for that long.
It seems well managed, a good example of that is that I got the head version of the game complied it and it just ran, no problems, which is always a good sign.
Anyway, I'm currently "employed" as the GUI programmer of the game, since that's my field of expertise at the moment, but I hope to get some gameplay coding experience as well, sometime in the future.

That's it for now...

Now playing: Miles Davis - So What
via FoxyTunes