Trainging Continues

Saturday, September 16, 2006

When I joined the FarFallen team, my first task was to pick a game engine that will suit the needs of the game, the engine that I picked out, from the vareity of open-source engines out there, was the Yake engine.

One major flaw in that engine, is the fact that it's relatively new and does not have proper documentation and manual.
Due to that fact, I started learning about the Yake eninge and how it works through different examples and its code, which is a rather tedious work.

The first task I set for myself, was to learn everything I can through one of the examples provided with the engine and write it up in a document.
Meaning, I don't just go through the example and see what it does, but I also try to go as deep as possible into the core of the engine and see what makes it tick.

Although the example itself is a pretty basic one, it's taking a long time to finish it, since everything in it is new to me, and everything has to be looked into in-depth.
The writing of the document itself is also taking quite a while, since I want the document to be as informative as possible and yet easy to understand.
I'm writing the document that way, since I want it to serve as a first reading material for any new programmers that will join the team, plus it might serve some purpose for the Yake community.

Yesterday, I continued my work on the document and made some noticeable progress, I hope to finish it soon, since it's taken a long time already in my opinion.
Well, I'll go back to work now... ;)