Document Finished!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Finally I've finished the Yake Document I was working on all this time...

When I finished it I looked at the start date, and I came to the conclusion that I've been working on this document for a month which seems like a pretty long time to me.
It's probably due to the fact that I only work on weekends and I don't have much time, but I should do something about it if the project is going to go anywhere...
Btw, the finished document is 34 pages and a pretty interesting read, I know it was interesting to write it...

Aside from that, other things happened over the course of the week...
First of all I found out that there's going to be a meeting of the Israeli IGDA chapter later this month and I'm definitly planning on going.
Other than that, I came to the conclusion that I have to get another programmer on board, but not a regular programmer to strat working on the game, cuz it's still far of, but a co-Leader that will help me design the game from the programming aspect.
Because, that seems like a great deal of work for just one guy, in a slow pase, if we devide the work it'll be easier.
I'll have to pass this through the project leader and start looking for that person, I think it'll be tough finding someone like that...

Well, now that I've finished the document I'm going to start testing the Yake Engine, see what cool things I can do with it, back to work...