Time for reflection

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hey all...

It's a va-ca time, it passover this week, and I have a week off.
Happy holidays to everybody.

Project Assyria is not progressing at all, and I'm quite worried about it.
But, it gives me time to reflect on my current situation, maybe look over some possibilities for a new project to participate in.
Definite candidates I'll be looking into are: openFrag and Project Wish.
Two very promising projects, which I've been following for quite some time.
They both are in very progressive stages, so it's time I kill those projects :D
Just joking, of course, I'll be looking into them, because they'll give me a good chance to just get some experience under my belt.

Plus, lately I've been tossing around some game ideas in my head, so I want to look into those too, see if there's a real game in there somewhere.
Maybe it's time for me to start my own project, maybe, I don't know yet.

Aside from all that, I've been obsessing over Assassin's Creed lately, a really good looking game, and an interesting one as well.
I might throw in a game review for that one on my next post.

Anyway, cya around...

Now playing: Eva Cassidy - Bridge Over Troubled Water
via FoxyTunes