Projects a Popin'

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Studying kicks up a gear, every class has some kind of homework set up.
Most of the classes I take have homework related to actually creating a game.

The first project is creating an Arkanoid clone in OpenGL, which I already started, it's always fun starting a mini project.
As I am a programmer, I do get caught up in designing the code right, and stuff like, but it's my kind of fun, so it's OK, although not entirely necessary.

The other main one is a big game project, which is done in teams, our team consists of 4 people.
I'm actually doing this as a resume thing, because I don't take that course this year, I'm just helping out, and getting some credits in the game.
Anyway, this is a totally different thing, since the project is in a group it gives a kinda grass-routes-company feel, like a start-up, everybody dreams of fame and fortune in those design sessions.
In reality it's just a school project, but I don't cancel out the possibility of it being something more.

Anyway, it's the firs time in my life I can honestly say I enjoy studying :)

Now playing: Jane Monheit - Too Late Now
via FoxyTunes