Open Frag

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I joined the openFrag team two days ago (didn't take me long to move, huh?).

The fact is I found this project some time ago, when I was looking for help with Yake.
I contacted those guys, as they are probably the only project that really uses Yake.
I was watching the progress of the project ever since, and they had quite a progress.

Anyway, the openFrag initiative is a really cool place, they have quite a lot of projects going simultaneously.
The main one being an open source game engine and the first game on it will be their own Broken Alliance.

The entire project is open source so it's a bit chaotic, not really structured like I'm used to, but they manage, as they told me.
I'll start by helping them out with GUI stuff, which I probably can help most in, but I hope to branch out later on.

Anyway, that's the update for now, have a good weekend.

Now playing: Eric Clapton - I Ain't Gonna Stand For It
via FoxyTunes